do you love animals? us, too!
There’s a place for everyone in the Adirondacks, whether you have two legs or four! In order to ensure safety for us and the wildlife (and our pet friends), there are simple things you can do to make sure everyone stays happy and healthy.
So, you see an animal you’d like to get a better look at.
The best way to observe wildlife is quietly and from a distance. Quick movements and loud noises are stressful to many animals, and can scare them or force them to flee. In extremely hot or cold environments, disturbances can also affect an animal’s ability to withstand more extreme climate conditions.
Do not feed!
Wild animals can also become stressed if we try to touch or feed them. These actions risk exposure to rabies or other diseases. Allowing wild animals to have human food can create human / animal conflicts. While feeding animals may be done with the best of intentions, there can be serious problems. For example, when animals become accustomed to people, they often lose their fear and can become aggressive. Animals fed near roads tend to stay near roads in hopes that more food will arrive. This leads to an increased chance of vehicle / animal accidents.
The best rule of thumb when viewing wildlife is to extend your arm and give a thumbs up. If you can’t see the animal behind your thumb, you should be at a safe distance. If you can see the animal, take a few steps back.
Bear cans in the backcountry
Especially when camping in the Adirondack backcountry, it is important (and mandatory from April 1 to November 30 in the High Peaks Wilderness) to store food, food containers, toiletries, and garbage in a bear can. Bear cans are a tool campers use to ensure bears cannot get into snacks or other things that might seem appetizing. On the whole, black bears in the Adirondacks are not a threat to humans, but when they have easy access to human food, they can become problematic. Using a bear can is the best way to avoid human / bear interactions.
what animals you might see
Black bear
Red fox
Grey squirrel
Pine marten
Common Loon
Bald Eagle
White-tailed deer
River otter
Pets and wildlife
You don’t have to leave Fido behind when you come to the Adirondacks! The best thing you can do is manage your dog outdoors to prevent negative interactions with local wildlife, or other people and other pets. Be sure to check destinations to see if there are leash requirements (like in the High Peaks Wilderness). Also be sure to pick up all pet waste and throw it away in a designated trash can at the end of your hike. Waste on the trail can be a health hazard for wildlife. Picking up waste helps preserve the aquatic resources and plant life on which wildlife depends.